My Copilot

I usually write about me and my experiences with The Boy.  Today, however, will be about the other person who has made all of this possible, The Boy’s Mommy.

Mommy is pretty special. How special you ask? Not only does she deal with The Boy every day, with the feeding, the dressing, the playing and the changing of poopy diapers, but she also takes care of the house, with the keeping it clean and the cooking and the laundry. She also holds down a part-time work from home job.

Mommy is a Search Engine Evaluator. It’s her job to make sure that what you type into google and other search engines brings up relevant results. She spends 3-4 hours a day evaluating queries usually during the time The Boy is napping. It’s not a glamorous job, but it affords her the ability to work from home or anywhere she has an internet connection. Mommy decided shortly after The Boy was born that she no longer wanted to work outside of the home. I was fine with this decision as I feel it’s important for The Boy to have as much parental contact as possible. Plus, I’m not a huge fan of the idea of someone else raising my kid in a daycare. If you have to use daycare I don’t think less of you. You have to do what you have to do. We would put the boy in if we had to, but thanks to Mommy we don’t, and for that I am grateful.

Mommy is like any good mommy in that she worries a lot.  She worries if The Boy is going to hurt himself.  She worries if he is getting enough to eat and if he’s growing at a normal rate.  She worries that he may not be getting enough quality time or that he’s not hitting development milestones on time.  She worries he might get stung by a bee or get shot out of a cannon (courtesy of Daddy).  I would be worried if she didn’t worry about any of those things, so I am grateful to her for that.

I am not the best husband, though she will defend me out in public.  I even missed the simple solution of getting her a Mother’s day card.  I spent hours and hours trying to figure out what I could do that was meaningful and wouldn’t cost more than we have to spend which essentially amounts to it being free.  My brain just doesn’t go to “card” though.   Sorry babe.  I’ll remember the card next year.

So my gift to her are these words, posted on the intertubes for all to see, so that all may know how much I love her and appreciate her herculean efforts at raising our son, The Boy, who is, at the moment, running around his Great Grandmother’s house wearing no clothes, with his arms over his head, cackling like a maniac.

Gotta go. He’s chasing the cat and I’m supposed to be watching him as the other part of my Mother’s day gift. I might need my cannon.

Love you babe. Happy Mother’s day!

    • G’ma Malinda
    • May 9th, 2011

    Thank you, Randall for that awesome tribute to my daughter. That is a great mother’s day gift to me knowing that she is being the wife and mother that I hoped she would be when we raised her.

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